An Ode to People Pleasers

To the ones who wear a constant smile,
Always ready to go the extra mile,
You give and give, often at your own expense,
With hearts so big, your love immense.

You are the glue that holds us tight,
In times of darkness, you bring the light.
Your selflessness, a beautiful art,
You carry the weight, with an open heart.

In every yes, there lies a sacrifice,
In every favor, your silent cries.
But dear people pleaser, it’s time you see,
Your worth isn’t tied to what you do for me.

Your value shines in who you are,
A beacon of hope, a guiding star.
It’s okay to say no, to take a stand,
To set boundaries, and make demands.

For self-care isn’t selfish, it’s a vital part,
Of nurturing your soul, protecting your heart.
So, embrace your needs, let your voice be heard,
Stand tall, be strong, own your every word.

To the people pleasers, so kind and true,
Know that we see and appreciate you.
But remember, it’s okay to put yourself first,
To quench your own thirst, to satisfy your own thirst.

Balance is key, as you learn to strive,
To care for others, while keeping yourself alive.
Your heart is gold, your spirit pure,
A beautiful soul, of that, be sure.

So, here’s to you, with love and grace,
May you find peace in your own space.
May you embrace your strength, and let it soar,
People pleasers, we cherish you, now and forevermore.


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